why do I love lowercase?

September 8, 2024

nowadays, everybody has their own style. this can vary from the way they dress, the way they talk, the way they write, and so on. in my case, I like lowercase. I like the way it looks, I like the way it feels, I like the way it sounds. it's just a personal preference, but I think it's worth sharing.

the aesthetics of lowercase

one of the main reasons I like lowercase is the aesthetics. I find lowercase letters to be more visually appealing than uppercase letters. they have a certain elegance and simplicity that I find very attractive. lowercase letters also have a more relaxed and informal feel to them, which I think is nice.

informal and friendly

another reason I like lowercase is that it feels more informal and friendly. when I write in lowercase, it feels like I'm having a casual conversation with the reader. it's less formal and more approachable. I think this makes the text more engaging and relatable.

lowercase in design

I find that lowercase letters work well in design. they have a softer and more rounded appearance than uppercase letters, which can make them more pleasing to the eye. lowercase letters also tend to flow together more smoothly, creating a more harmonious and cohesive look.

exceptions to the rule

of course, there are times when uppercase letters are necessary. for example, when writing acronyms or proper nouns, uppercase letters are typically used. in these cases, I have no problem using uppercase letters. another example is "I," which is always capitalized in English. I love how it stands out in a sea of lowercase letters.


in the end, lowercase is just a personal preference. some people prefer uppercase, some people prefer a mix of both. for me, lowercase is the way to go. I like the way it looks, I like the way it feels, and I like the way it sounds. it's a small detail, but it's one that brings me joy. so, if you ever see me writing in lowercase, now you know why. lowercase is my style, and I'm sticking to it.